Ignite FB Tracking PixelAbout Kristin Mizgorski - Florida Premiere Realty
Kristin Mizgorski

Kristin Mizgorski



What is the company’s purpose for being in business?

What specifically does the business do?

Leading the region in expert representation of the real estate industry

Experienced, educated, dedicated, professional, ethical, honest, reliable

Where should the company be in the future that is different from here it is today?

Florida Premiere Realty will strive to be relevant and current as the real estate industry changes due to gains in technology and banking. 

Personal experience

The most accurate source of information relating to the buying and selling of real estate in the State of Florida.

Florida Premiere Realty making the transaction a professional, yet personal experience. 

Florida Premiere Realty is a provider of incomparable professional, yet personal customer service to Sellers and Buyers of real estate in the Tampa Bay area. Leading the region in expert real estate industry representation is our primary objective. Florida Premiere Realty Agents are well educated, honest, dedicated, ethical, and reliable sources of accurate information related to buying and selling real estate in the State of Florida. Florida Premiere Realty will strive to stay relevant and current as the real estate industry changes with gains in technology and financing options to remain competitive in the market.